Prevention from tooth decay - Enafix
What is tooth decay?

Dental caries is also known as tooth decay. It is decay of the teeth, which results in cavities or holes in the teeth. It is the second most common disease that affects all age groups.

What causes tooth decay?

Tooth decay is caused by acid producing bacteria that collect around the teeth and gums in a sticky, clear film called Plaque. The acid produced by these bacteria causes demineralization and destruction of the tooth enamel leading to a cavity.

Plaque + Sugar = Acid + Tooth + Time -> Caries

What kind of problems can tooth decay cause?

Tooth decay can cause pain, infection, make chewing difficult, unpleasant breath and finally leading to expensive treatment.

Why is saliva important?

Saliva is the best natural defense against tooth decay. The acid from bacteria can be neutralized by saliva. A reduced flow of saliva (dry mouth) can increase the risk of tooth decay.

Why is caries protection important if you have a dry mouth?

Lack of saliva results in a dry mouth. Saliva is the body's natural defence against tooth decay. Saliva washes away the acids and replaces lost minerals back onto the teeth. If you lack adequate saliva, your teeth are at a greater risk of decay and wear away more easily. You may also suffer from gum problems. Smoking, caffeine, some medicines and illnesses that affect the salivary glands may reduce the flow of saliva. If you suffer from a dry mouth, talk to your dentist.

How can you protect teeth against tooth decay?

There are warning signs of tooth decay, which if spotted, can be nipped in the bud. In the early stages white spots caused by mineral loss may appear on the tooth. This can be reversed by brushing with toothpaste containing fluoride or calcium phosphate.

How do dentists treat dental caries?

For severe tooth decay, your dentist may need to remove the decay and restore the tooth. If the affected area is small, your dentist can place a filling in the tooth.

When decay damages the tooth's structure more extensively involving the pulp , your dentist may need to do a root canal treatment and place a crown over the remaining tooth. In other severe cases, if enough healthy tooth is not left, the tooth must be extracted.

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